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2024年10月28日 21:49 稿件来源:菲律賓商報   【字体:↑大 ↓小


2024年10月28日 21:49


  “歪果仁带你游青海”活动已成功举办两季,邀请多名有影响力的外国自媒体博主,通过独特的视角围绕青海生态旅游线路,深入体验“山宗水源 大美青海”、清洁能源、农畜产品等特色资源优势和产业基础,展示灿烂河湟文化、江源文化等。旨在全方位宣传推介青海优秀文化和旅游资源,立体式展现多元文化和风土人情,为助推国际生态旅游目的地建设起到积极作用。


  大家好,我是Valentina,今天我在玉树的益曲卡山庄。好的,我以前从没体验过这个。这块很干燥,所以实际的感觉并不像我想的那么糟糕,让我们继续吧。我确实闻不到它有什么(不好的)气味,所以让我们继续前进。(我感觉)可以了。很好,我有一个好主意了, 因为有人告诉我 (捡的)牛粪一定要很干,所以我得检查一下它是否干了。这就像一块石头,我不知道该怎么把它挖出来。特别干,这真是最好的。好的,我现在明白了,如果它们又平又干,它们就是最好的,很好。












  Hello everyone valentina here. Today I'm at Yiquka Yusu village。

  All right, okay i never done this before. It's very dry so actually. It doesn't feel that bad as I thought, so let's keep going.I cannot smell it and yeah let's just keep going. All right I have a good idea. Because I've been told that the dung must be very dry and so I'm gonna check if it's dry or not. Oh this is like a stone. I don't know how to dig it. Extra dry, the best one. All right, I see now if they're very flat and dry, they're the best ones. All right。

  But we should pick some more right?

  You know I am very familiar with the Tibetan culture, and I see them doing it, I've never done it myself and one of the things that i learned today is the the dung must be dry, because when it's wet there are some kind of little worms in it and so we need to wait that is completely dry, so the worms are they will go away from it. And according to the Tibetan culture, every living being is precious and must be respected. And so this is another reason why we don't take it with the worms otherwise we will kill the worms. And so i think this is a a very nice way of living and respecting every living being and i totally align with this so it was a great experience. I can imagine it would be hard work if you're doing every day. Every winter you need a lot of these bugs so fair play on them. And thank you for giving me the chance to do it。


  Okay. She's obviously very strong because i'm scared. We're making Zanba. So before, we were roasting the barley now we are in the second step process. We put some in here and then this is the ancient way of making Zanba. This is one of the healthiest breakfasts you could ever have. And this is the result, as you can see is this very smooth powder, very very smooth. I love the texture actually and you can feel it's a little bit cold as the feeling of the ambiance. And i personally have it every morning but with my little Italian touch, so normally the Tibetans would put the butter, i put coffee with the Zanba and let me tell you it's delicious。


  Just back from the hot spring it was amazing. And tomorrow morning we got to wake up early because i'm going to milk the yaks and i've never done it before. So i'm very excited and i got to get some rest because it was a full day and amazing day. So good night。


  Now let's milk the yaks. So just to let you know this is a very big challenge. It's not an easy milking like the cow is very different but i'm gonna do it let's go。

  Harder? I'm scared to hurt them. Oh here's coming here's coming. oh yeah yeah yeah, you see it is coming. So good, really fresh。

  I'm surprised. I just feel such a very great experience. It's obvious that the yaks are very well treated here, they eat organic grass you know this is all they eat, and i can feel that they are happy they are looked after. And this is amazing that this kind of tradition continues, and nowadays we have huge factories doing the milk and not treating very well animals. So i really really love and respect the way Tibetans treat the yaks the yaks is a precious animal for their culture and i wish we can all respect animals。中新社 祁妙 青海玉树报道
